Growth Council Produces "Gold Standard" Board Orientation Guide

The Growth Council’s mission is strengthen by a diverse, strong, and active Board of Directors, and the Growth Council has made increasing Board of Directors engagement and education a priority in 2020.

One effort to educate Board Members includes the Growth Council publishing of a comprehensive “Board Orientation Guide.” This Guide covers a varierty of information for new and existing Board members: expectations, meeting rules, board directory, tips on how to be an engagement board member, and an overview of economic development tactics, techniques, and financing.

Economic development professionals from across Indiana have praised the Growth Council’s orientation guide for its clarity, information, and design.

Erin Schneider, Director of Economic Development for Duke Energy said: “[The Guide] is very comprehensive yet very easy to follow and I always appreciate it when I know the expectations of a board seat.  Nicely done.”

Director of the Indiana Economic Development Association (IEDA), Lee Lewellen, praised the guide: “…this is one of the best board orientation packets I've seen. It will certainly go into my file of 'best practices' and, with your permission, may be sent to other organizations as a 'gold standard.'“

The Board Orientation Guide can be found here.


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