Get Involved
Contribute to the Growth Council
Investment in the Grant County Economic Growth Council can have both a personal and a community-wide impact. As an investor in the Growth Council, you are supporting our efforts to improve the economic wealth of the community.
We advocate a disciplined policy geared toward tax and job creation. Your investment will provide for leadership and services in:
Supporting local business expansion and retention
Fostering the entrepreneurial environment
Building up and retaining a skilled workforce
Attracting businesses to Grant County
Collaborating with local organizations, government, and educational institutions
The Grant County Economic Growth Council is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donors will receive receipts for their contribution with the understanding that the disbursement of those contributions lies completely at the discretion of the Growth Council and that the contributions are non-refundable and non-transferable, per IRS regulations. Contributions may be tax deductible; please consult a tax advisor.
To learn more about contributions, contact Chuck Binkerd at cbinkerd@grantcounty.com.
Intern with the Growth Council
The Grant County Economic Growth Council offers a seasonal Marketing & Business Development Internship opportunity.
To find out more about becoming an intern with the Growth Council, contact Chuck Binkerd at cbinkerd@grantcounty.com.
Become a Growth Council Board Member
The Growth Council has a 25-member board, consisting of local leaders, business owners, and community stakeholders. The board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Growth Council Board members serve to:
Guide the organization’s mission
Provide strategy and analysis
Support initiatives and programming
Advocate and promote the organization
If you are interested in joining the Growth Council board, please fill out the application below and submit to Chuck Binkerd at cbinkerd@grantcounty.com.

Engage with the Grant County Community
The Growth Council is always working to spur community and civic engagement. If you are seeking ways to get more involved in Grant County, the Growth Council can help connect you to local boards, organizations, events, and many more volunteer opportunities.
Contact a Growth Council staff member today to learn how you can engage with the Grant County community.