Job Search Series
In collaboration with Taylor University, the Grant County Economic Growth Council created this job search series to help individuals in our community build the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers.
With insights from businesses in the community, the series provides resources and valuable tips for job seekers of all ages in the community to learn about resume writing, interviewing, job fairs, the first day on the job, etc.
Resume Writing
Job Fair Tips
First Day on the Job
“The Growth Council wants to bring awareness to the opportunities that are available in the community, and to encourage job seekers of all ages to go after the things they want whole heartedly.” ”
As the workforce is ever changing, we hope this series and other initiatives helps prepare the next generation of talent in kickstarting their career in Grant County.
A special thank you to everyone who made this series happen!
Steve Bailey – Executive Producer
Anna Rodman – Director
Andrew Edwards – Producer
Michael Carroll – Editor
Ethan Ochs – Sound
Trevor Cebulskie – Graphics
Mark Stroh
Natalie Baker
James Beyioku
Greg Compton
Anna Rodman
Nathan Conkel
Madelin Crawford
Brandon Pearson
Jordan Bridges
Matthew Beck
Aaron Alexander
Matt Voss
Jeff Miller
Edward Meadors
Jireh Bagyendera
Lincoln Reed
Jan Reber