

Collaboration & Opportunity

Grant County, Indiana is a Place Where You Can
Prosper and Grow

Grant County Economic Growth Council has worked to bring economic growth and progress to Grant County, Indiana, since 1985. Known for our track record of working at the “speed of business,” we are a collaborative and innovative organization that maintains a reputation of success as we strive to meet your needs. The services, programs, and assistance we provide are specifically catered for every project and clearly demonstrate our commitment to creating a place where you can prosper and grow.

Our Services


Revolving Loan Funds

The Grant County Economic Growth Council proudly offers two revolving funds tailored for small business development: USDA-Supported Revolving Loan Fund, which provides Grant County entrepreneurs and small businesses up to $30,000 in financial support, and the City of Marion Revolving Loan Fund, which provides Marion entrepreneurs and small businesses up to $50,000 in financial support.

The CHARM Grant

The Grant County Economic Growth Council is excited to announce the return of the CHARM Grant, a revitalization initiative designed to enhance the visual appeal of local businesses! This $1,000 matching grant supports impactful beautification projects such as signage, murals, landscaping, façade improvements, and more—helping businesses attract customers and contribute to a more vibrant community.

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